Six Flags Over Texas

Editor's PickIn PicturePledge

Texas Flag Pledge – Allegiance To State

Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible (copied)

Texas Flag Pledge to my fellow Texans and American citizens! Today, I want to share an interesting aspect of Texas pride that you might not know much about—the Pledge to the Texas Flag. Just like we have the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Texans also have a unique pledge to their state flag. This tradition is a significant part of Texas culture and reflects Texans’ strong sense of identity and pride. Let’s dive into the history, significance, and details of the Pledge Texas Flag. Let’s explore this fascinating topic together!


The Pledge to the Texas Flag is a lesser-known but equally important counterpart to the national Pledge of Allegiance. It embodies the values and pride of Texans and is recited in schools and during various state ceremonies. But how did this Pledge come about? What does it mean? And how is it different from the National Pledge? Let’s find out.

The Texas State Flag Pledge: A Brief History

Origins of the Pledge

The Texas state flag pledge was officially adopted in 1933. The original wording was:

"Honor the Texas Flag of 1836; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."

This version paid homage to the flag of the Republic of Texas from 1836, a period when Texas was an independent nation.

However, in 2007, the Pledge was amended to clarify which flag it referred to and to include a reference to God. The revised version reads:

"Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."

Cowboy of Texas in History

This change reflected the same acknowledgment of divine guidance found in the National Pledge of Allegiance.

For more about the history of the Pledge, check the Texas State Historical Association.

Significance of the Pledge

The Pledge to the Texas Flag is more than just words. It’s a statement of loyalty and unity. When Texans recite this Pledge, they express their pride in their state and their commitment to its values and principles. The inclusion of “one state under God” emphasizes the role of faith in Texas culture, while “one and indivisible” highlights the unity and strength of Texas.

The Pledge in Practice

Reciting the Pledge

In many Texas schools, students recite both the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the Pledge to the Texas Flag each morning. This practice instills a sense of state pride and national patriotism from a young age.

Public Ceremonies

The Texas state flag pledge is also recited at public ceremonies, including government meetings and civic events. It serves as a reminder of the unique heritage and spirit of Texas.
I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of Texas

The Pledge Texas Flag in Spanish

Given Texas’s rich cultural diversity and significant Hispanic population, it’s no surprise that there is also a Texas Flag Pledge in Spanish. This version allows Spanish-speaking Texans to participate fully in this tradition. The Spanish version of the Pledge is:

“Honra la bandera de Texas; Te juro lealtad, Texas, un estado bajo Dios, uno e indivisible.”

Spanish Flag in America

This translation maintains the Pledge’s essence and ensures that all Texans can express their state pride regardless of their primary language.

Comparing the Texas Flag Pledge and the National Pledge

American National Flag Pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Both the Pledge to the Texas Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag serve similar purposes. They are expressions of loyalty, unity, and pride. Both pledges include references to God and emphasize the idea of being indivisible.


While the national Pledge is a commitment to the United States, the Texas state flag pledge is a specific expression of state pride. It reflects the unique identity and history of Texas. Additionally, the wording of the Texas pledge is shorter and simpler, making it easy for even young children to remember and recite.
US Flag and Texas Flag Comparison

The Texas Flag: A Symbol of Pride

Design and Symbolism

The Texas state flag, often called the Lone Star Flag, is a powerful symbol of Texan pride. It features a single star representing Texas’s history as an independent republic. The blue means loyalty, the white means purity, and the red means bravery. Together, these elements reflect the values that Texans hold dear.

To learn more about the design and symbolism of the Texas flag, visit the Texas House of Representatives.

The Flag in Everyday Life

In Texas, the state flag is everywhere. You’ll see it flying proudly outside homes, businesses, and government buildings. It’s a common sight at sporting events, parades, and festivals. This widespread display of the flag reinforces the deep sense of state pride that Texans feel.
The Lone Star Flag


The Pledge to the Texas Flag is a meaningful tradition that captures the spirit and pride of Texas. Whether recited in schools, at public ceremonies, or in Spanish, this Pledge is a testament to the unity and values of Texans. The Texas state flag pledge is a unique part of Texas culture, reflecting both its history and its commitment to the future.

What do you think about the Pledge to the Texas Flag? Do you have any personal experiences or stories related to this tradition? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment below, and let’s continue this fascinating conversation.

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